The Winter Solstice and the ‚Rauhnächte’

Jupiter Saturn Conjunction and its spiritual meaning for us

„Come home when you can because there are two things in life –Summer Solstice and Winter Solstice — when the divine cosmic energy can help you to elevate your consciousness and your health.“  Yogi Bhajan

What is Winter solstice?

The ‚Rauhnächt‘ or the twelve nights of Christmas as translated in English are introduced by an eternally repeating natural event: The winter solstice on December 21, the darkest and longest night of the year.

During the winter solstice, the sun hugs closer to the horizon than at any other time during the year, giving way to the least amount of daylight annually. It is an important energetic moment for us because we get into a period when darkness is extreme and, in addition of the cold weather, Winter really affects to our being both physically and emotionally.
At the same time it is the turning point when days start to be longer and longer until Summer Solstice. So light is coming back to our lives and the nature prepares for the rebirth of the „eternal light“. This light is a symbol of a new life cycle starting and remind us that we can also start again and that a new period of light will bring us more opportunities.

The winter solstice is respected and celebrated as energetic gateways that can be accessed for spiritual transformation.

The following ‚Rauhnächte‘ are also called the time between the years. They are the twelve nights between Christmas and Epiphany. It is a time of reflection. Through retreat and silence we can gather new strength and – after the exciting Christmas days – find our way back to ourselves. It is a time for reflection and reorientation.

The Rauhnächte history

The ‚Rauhnächte‘ are based on an ancient time calculation, in which both the lunar and solar year were taken into account. A lunar cycle always begins with a new moon and consists of 29.53 days. This is the time that the moon needs to circle the earth once. The lunar year therefore has 354 days. The solar year, on the other hand, consists of 365 days. It begins and ends with the winter solstice. Thus between moon and sun year a difference results from 11 days and 12 nights. These are the ‚Rauhnächte‘. Since they form the difference between the solar and lunar year, they are also often referred to as the time between the years. It is a magical and mystical period, a time outside the calendar.

It is also the time of letting go and cleansing. Here you have the opportunity to get rid of old ballast and start freely into the new year.

Pay special attention to your dreams during this time, because it is said that these dreams come true in the corresponding month. It is advisable to keep a diary and write down everything that happens to you during this time. Because everything that happens on these days has a very special meaning, even if it seems so banal and unimportant at first.

How you can use the winter solstice time?

  • Tidying up and cleaning
  • incense – recommended are e.g. sage, frankincense, juniper, myrrh,    camphor, angelica
  • Settle debts and return borrowed items
  • Get rid of ballast, clear up affairs
  • Review: What was good in the old year, what am I grateful for?
  • Meditation and contemplation
  • Pay attention to your dreams and keep a dream diary – because dreams show forecasts for the coming year.

Text by Lena Heiss (Atman Yoga)

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